19th National Conference on Spatial Planning and Building Regulations, Liberec, 19–20 September 2013, by Zdeňka Kučerová & Jaroslav Tušer
Organized by the Ministry for Regional Development’s Department of Spatial Planning and Building Regulations and by the Institute for Spatial Development, the traditional National Conference on Spatial Planning and Building Regulations took place in Liberec on 19–20 September 2013. The venue was the Babylon Congress and Entertainment Centre which was established following the renovation of the former Hedva textile factory in 1997. The conference is conceived as an opportunity for discussion among staffs of Municipal and Regional Offices, designers, urban planners and architects as well as representatives of various cooperating branches and NGOs. Usually devoted to specific topics, every conference offers the latest information on spatial planning and building regulations in the form of invited specialists’ speeches as well as informal exchange of experience.
Public infrastructure and its concept in the Building Act and its implementary regulations, by Martin Tunka
A part of the long tradition of physical planning is attention to services and their location so that they can be provided in the necessary scope, quality and availability. For this reason the Building Act arranges conditions for the preparation of public infrastructure, defines its concept and formulates the task of physical planning so as “to verify and evaluate the need for change in the area, the public interest in such change, and its benefits and risks in regard to public health, the environment and the geological structure of the area, also taking into account the impact on the public infrastructure and its economical use”.
Spatial Development Policy and public infrastructure, by Alena Navrátilová
This article comments on chapters of the 2008 Spatial Development Policy which deal with public infrastructure and discusses some basic reasons for changes to be made by the update of this document.
Public transportation infrastructure and the assessment of its impacts on sustainable spatial development in the Spatial Development Policy and physical planning documents, by Libor Krajíček
Taking public transportation infrastructure as an example this article sums up what is currently known about the methodology of the assessment of influences exerted upon sustainable spatial development, particularly the environment, by the Spatial Development Policy and physical planning documents. The article concentrates on public infrastructure as a part of the concept of the Policy, evaluating the aggregate of all its synergic and cumulative impacts on the environment.
New procedures to simplify the preparation of energy constructions, by Zdeňka Fialová
The preparation of energy constructions, particularly buildings of technical infrastructure, is a very difficult and protracted process. The aim of the “great amendment to the Building Act” was, besides eliminating problems in application practice, to simplify and shorten some of the processes that place excessive burdens on the developer. The difficult and time-demanding processes of authorization protract the preparation, postpone the start of construction works and frequently increase costs. In the case of public technical infrastructure these constructions are always of supraregional or national importance, and established and operated in the public interest.
Tenure for third-party owners’ estates in the power industry, by Jakub Handrlica
This article deals with the arrangement of the tenure for third-party owners’ estates in the Energy Act (EnergZ) in the context of the current amendment to the Building Act. The subject of the analysis is situations in which new constructions are built or reconstructions, maintenance works and line replacements are carried out. The author points out that starting from 1 January 2013 there is dualism of “statutory” (spatial administration) solutions and “civil” (right of user) solutions of the relation to third-party owners’ estates that does not connect the two spheres (planning permission is not dependent on the existence of a civil settlement and vice versa).
Practical experience of the application of the amendment to the Building Act in gas facility constructions, by Dagmar Ledererová
This article is focused on alterations to the 183/2006 Building Act as amended by Act 350/212 which most significantly affect constructions of gas facilities.
The Building Act: Application practice for transmission system constructions, by Karel Slončík & Miroslav Prokeš
The Building Act has recently defined the position of authorized developers, one of whom is ČEPS, the sole Czech transmission system operator. Authorized developers such as ČEPS may become involved in the creation of physical planning documents and initiate their preferential updates. ČEPS takes advantage of this position to change spatial reserves into public utility corridors within updates to physical planning documentation. For reasons of urgent public interest, authorized developers may also initiate updates to the Spatial Development Policy.
High-speed rail lines, their recent and future development and spatial and economic circumstances, by Milan Körner
This article is focused on various problems of the high-speed rail, a matter of significant international circumstances, particularly in central Europe. The author outlines the history of this segment of transportation in central Europe and describes the reconstruction of corridor lines in the Czech Republic. Plans for future high-speed rail connections are discussed from a supranational perspective including the structure of settlements and a potential schedule. This discussion is important in order to identify the priorities of national concepts such as the Spatial Development Policy of the Czech Republic.
Technical infrastructure of settlements at the crossroads of development: How to proceed? by Petr Šrytr
This contribution offers a basic analysis of the state of the technical infrastructure of settlements. It is focused on technical equipment in relation to requirements to guarantee sustainable development in urbanized areas. Ways out are offered in the form of more transparent system solutions, mainly consisting in purposeful coordination of active application of innovations.
Public areas and their planning, by Lukáš Vacek
In its varied forms the subject matter of public areas has become a topic for a society-wide discourse. In accordance with the general demand municipalities invest large amounts of money in their revitalization. It is therefore necessary to ask about the efficiency and purposefulness of these means. This article does not cast doubt upon the importance of investment in public space but wants to focus attention on important aspects of high-quality physical planning in assigning and managing public space in order to ensure purposeful and efficient investment. To grasp the subject it is necessary to realize that the creation of public space is not only a fundamental task in urban planning but also – and perhaps primarily – an essential sociocultural phenomenon.
The square in Frýdlant, by Vladimír Balda & Jiří Janďourek
The T. G. Masaryk Square in the town of Frýdlant was renovated on the basis of the winning project in an architectural contest announced by the municipality in 2002. The whole area of the square was newly set with stone paving, a material corresponding to the importance of the central zone of a historic town. Together with a new fountain, a statue of Albrecht von Wallenstein, which had remained from the fountain removed shorty after the war, returned to its original place. Utility lines underwent complete renovation as well. The square is now lit by a system of pillar and ground lighting. Frýdlant’s inhabitants have been using the renovated square for two years now, successfully hosting the Wallenstein festival as the most important event organized by the municipality, with thirty thousand visitors.