The impact of accelerated drainage of underground water reserves in urbanized areas, by Stanislav Frank
This article analyses the impact of urbanization and resulting acceleration of surface drainage on the level of underground water. An area of 5 sq km consisting of the cadastral areas of the Prague neighbourhoods Ďáblice, Třeboradice, Čakovice and Letňany was chosen for analysis.
Innovative approaches to the study of the present population: Data of mobile operators, by Jakub Novák & Jiří Novobilský
Detailed spatial information on numbers and structures of population at various hours of the day and days of the week has important application potential in urban management, physical planning and crisis management. This article presents some options for the use of mobile operators’ data for monitoring the number of present population and its daily/weekly fluctuation. An extensive methodological discussion is followed by a case study in the use of mobile operators’ data in the settlement of Dolní Břežany. Empirical results confirm a wide usability for this data source. Localization data from mobile telephones provide new and, in a certain way, unique information that is difficult to obtain in other ways.
The Alpine-Carpathian biocorridor in the AKK Centrope programme, by Maroš Finka
The mountain chains of the Alps and the Carpathians are among the richest ecosystems in the world in terms of the variety of species. They are interlaced with traditional migratory routes of numerous wild animals which in recent times have migrated freely through the corridors between the Alps and the Carpathians. Today’s progressive urbanization of the landscape, construction of technical and traffic infrastructure as well as intense agricultural use of soil in the Vienna-Bratislava-Brno metropolitan region are having a profound effect on important functions of this corridor. By cutting off the traditional migratory routes of animals they create the risk that the habitats of once migrating animals will be reduced to isolated enclaves. The missing genetic exchange may then result in the depletion and consequent extinction of minor populations.
Urban security as a precondition for the quality of space, by Vladimír Ondrejička & Silva Ondrejičková
The main topic of this article is security as a basic condition for the existence of high-quality and sustainable towns and cities in the Slovak Republic. The methodology of the evaluation of urban security was tested in practice on model locations in the town of Trenčín.
A methodology of the general renovation of housing estates with an emphasis on apartment blocks, by Ľubomír Jamečný
This article describes a methodology for the general renovation of housing estates emphasizing the renovation of apartment blocks, as worked out by the Institute of Management of the Slovak Technical University in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of Slovakia.