

OBSAH 2/2011

Názory a diskuse

  • Recenzovaný článek
    Zuzana Ambrožová, Zora Kulhánková

    Main Squares of Small Towns in the Czech Republic, by Zuzana Ambrožová & Zora Kulhánková

    Towns and their squares are the bearers of our cultural identity and places of the everyday life. The main feature of squares spontaneously shaped by centuries as well as those centrally planned is the presence and communication of people, which is the essence of the whole society. Squares, notably in small towns, are the places of work, housing and social life. The social and cultural milieu of a small town is predominantly influenced by commercial and cultural activities in the main square. So, the design and maintenance of such important public space is the right way to prosperity. For the development of historic areas it is necessary to respect its genius loci and the character of buildings, reflecting the historical marks but creating an attractive place for today’s inhabitants. The current access to information and unlimited travelling make it easy for us to compare various approaches to the renovation of historic areas.

  • Recenzovaný článek
    Petr Kladivo, Petr Šimáček

    Development and Spatial Distribution of Olomouc’s Housing Stock, by Petr Kladivo & Petr Šimáček

    The quality, development and spatial differentiation of the housing stock belongs to the basic indicators of a functional urban structure, having impact on the shaping of a variety of social phenomena in the urban environment. The example of Olomouc clearly illustrates how a town has been evolving since the end of the 19th century when it ceased to be an important military fortress with all its life taking place within the walls. Any construction works and related development of the town was conditioned and heavily limited by its military function as long as till the abolotion of the fortress status (and the partial demolition of the fortification) in 1886. This contribution endeavours to evaluate the development of the current structure of Olomouc’s housing stock, assessing its quality and spatial differentiation and especially focusing on the housing construction in specific periods of the 20th century. Based on the data of the housing stock from the 2001 census, a typology of specific town quarters form the viewpoint of the quality of housing was proposed.

    Marek Janatka

    Tools of the Building Act for the Restriction of Suburbanization in the Czech Republic, by Marek Janatka

    Suburbanization represents a serious problem in the use of territory and the development of settlements in the Czech Republic and abroad. The negative impacts of this phenomenon are reflected in all the pillars of the sustainable development of the society. One of the ways to moderate the manifestations of suburbanization is a consequent utilization of available legislative tools. This contribution describes a few tools provided by the Building Act.

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