An Analysis of Regional Policy, by Rudolf Štika & Jan Přikryl
This contribution summarizes the outcome of an analysis of local policies at the level of Regions, carried out within a research project of the Czech Ministry for Regional Development (project WA-032-05-Z09). The analysis examined strategic documents of regional development, the delimitation of problem areas, the differences in the notion of regional policy in various Regions, and the relation among regional, national, and European policies. Concludingly, the article offers some concept recommendations.
The Evaluation of the Development Sustainability as Outlined by Strategic Documents: the DHV SAM Methodology, by Vladislav Bízek, Radim Gill, Josef Miškovský
Harmonization with the concept of sustainable development is currently one of the basic requirements to be taken into account by strategic documents at national, regional, and local levels. This article offers and describes the DHV SAM (DHV’s Sustainability Assessment Methodology) through which the sustainability of the development as proposed by strategic documents can be evaluated. As an advantage of the methodology, it comprehensively combines all of the three pillars of sustainable development: social development, economic development, and environment protection. The wording of DHV SAM was inspired by the Proposal for the Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Czech Republic (2004, by the Institute for Ecopolitics and DHV). In 2006 it was updated to meet the needs of urban strategies and development programmes and first used for the assessment of the sustainability of a strategic development plan named Strategy for Brno, resulting in the conclusion that such plan will reinforce the development sustainability of the city of Brno.
Processes Influencing the Current Socio-Spatial Differentiation of the Czech Republic, by Jakub Novák, Petra Puldová, Martin Ouředníček, Jana Temelová
The article is focusing on the identification and evaluation of important processes in the socio-spatial differentiation of today’s Czech Republic. The research is based on the Delphi method, assessing expert opinions about the extent of the differentiation and the social significance of relevant processes like the marginalization and spatial concentration of socially weak population groups and the decreasing quality of life in rural and peripherial locations. The text is part of the output of the National Programme of Research II, supported by the Czech Ministry of Education.