Town Structure Regulation throughout History, by Dana Novotná
Most architects and urban planners consider the regulation of town and city structures as a relatively new discipline, tracing back its beginnings to the renaissance and the usage of the present tools (plans, decrees) to the late 19th century. However, the arrangement of settlements, as part of a larger system of town rights, was being regulated by quite strict rules as early as at the onset of the middle ages. Just like the punitive law or some economic regulations, obligatory rules of building were in vigour.
The History of the Reconstruction of the Brno Railway Junction, by Radoslava Cicvárková
On 15 January 2005 the Mayor of Brno officially proclaimed the reconstruction of the Brno railway junction, placing the station in what is now called the „relocated position“. The failed referendum is one of the widely known but very recent circumstances of the matter. Yet, there is a long and interesting history of the problem, making a deeper insight worthwhile.
The Zone of the Bata Factories of Zlín, by Alena Miklová & Pavel Novák
Half a century behind the iron curtain was enough: the prosperous and widely progressive town of Zlín, the background of one of the first global monopolies with a colossal footwear business, was irresistibly declining. Ten more years after the velvet revolution the remnants of the Bata miracle of the 1930s were still proudly shown to foreigners. When the industrial zone in the heart of Zlín collapsed totally, individuals and interest groups – such as architects, urban planners, and businesses – were raising the alarm. The initiative called Platforma 21 was the first to pinpoint the hidden threat. Then a business association of the Bata industrial zone was established. Another step, a part of the zone was purchased by the Region of Zlín. People of the Municipality are also awakening: what they finally have grasped is that not only the architectonic heritage but the general existence of the town of Zlín was at stake.