
OBSAH 3/2004

Názory a diskuse

    Petr Sunega & Martin Lux

    Participation of tenants and social aspects of prefabbed houses regeneration as one of the sustainable development prerequisites, by Petr Sunega & Martin Lux

    The subject of citizens' participation in the area of residential districts regeneration has become almost an incantation in the last time. Both representatives of municipalities and representatives of caretaker companies that take care of the residential property are starting to realise in our country that no matter how sophisticated the technical solutions of residential property renovation are these can not be sustainable from a long term perspective, unless they are accompanied by measures in the social area and unless the users i.e. tenants participate, at least to a certain extent. Numerous examples from abroad show that treating tenant as a customer who buys the residential service from the municipality or from a caretaker company (however deformed this service is in our conditions due to the regulated rents) is the only way of retaining customers and the position on the market in the competitive environment, which allows relatively easy change of one landlord for another. In another words, participation of tenants is not a charity operated by a landlord (abroad often represented by a caretaker company that is the owner of the rented residential property at the same time) to appeal to his tenants, but a proper tool of competition among individual players on the rental market. Satisfied customers (tenants) allow the landlord to achieve better economic results (low rate of unoccupied flats, lower volume of pending rental payments, better control of construction−technical modifications and possibility of immediate rectification of defects, limiting the vandalism and other socialpathologic phenomena etc.). They also contribute to creation of positive image on the given location at public, which obviously influences, among others, the increased demand for housing in such location. Even if the current conditions of residential market in the Czech Republic differ from the advanced markets of Western Europe we can anticipate gradual convergence in this area in the future related to the accession of the Czech Republic to EU. At the same time there must come a warning against the over−euphoria − the participation itself can not heal everything what the players in the residential market suffer from nowadays. It is a time demanding process requiring changes in thinking both from landlords and tenants, as well as permanent discovering of new ways towards mutual communication and co−operation. Situation in the Czech Republic seems even more complicated due to the lack of profound, practical experience with participation of tenants and involving public in the decision making process. The heritage from the times shortly passed is still occupying certain parts of people minds.

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